Don’t be his side hustle!

Dear Joey,

I need advice. There’s a man who has pursued me for ten years. Three months ago, he began giving me little gifts that were so thoughtful and sweet. I just could not resist. I gave in and began a relationship with him. I’m glad I did. However, he has been in another relationship for 15 years. He and this other woman don’t live together, but they attend all social functions as a couple. What is the likelihood he will leave her?

My Magic 8-Ball* says “situation cloudy” and so is your thinking. If this man cared about you or himself or his current girlfriend, he would have ended his commitment to her, before pursuing you. Now, you’re his side hustle. (Yes, you read that correctly). Don’t believe me? Tell him you want a committed, one-on-one relationship with him, not a three-ring circus. Request that he end his relationship with his long-time girlfriend. If he refuses, you’ll know where his heart is. (*I didn\’t actually use a Magic 8-ball! But if you want to try one, click here.) Joey Garcia answers relationship questions from around the world in her Ask Joey newspaper column. She\’s also the Relationship Expert for a network television station. Joey is the author of When Your Heart Breaks, It\’s Opening to Love: Healing and finding love after an affair, heartbreak or divorce. Have a question for Joey? Email her here. You can also join her email list to learn about upcoming workshops and retreats on the beach in Belize.
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