Life Gets Easier: Here’s How

Dear Joey, Will life ever get easier? I only meet women who are out to use me. My condo and car are in constant need of expensive repairs. My family is a freak show. And, I can’t imagine continuing in my deadening line of work for another 30 years. Life is a few shining minutes of fun and endless days of tedious minutiae. I have no idea how or why people endure this. Why didn’t anyone clue me in to what life is really about?   You definitely need a gratitude makeover. But before appreciation can sink in, reality must take root. Begin here: Life is not fair and there are no guarantees. Work hard because you enjoy challenging yourself or because you want to hone your skill set. Date because doing so helps you grow in your capacity to give and receive love, understanding and intimacy (especially with yourself). Accept that owning a home and a vehicle is a privilege, and repairs are an opportunity to provide work for others. Know that your birth family is a launch pad that should prepare you to embrace everyone as family. Everything you just read is what life is really about. Don\’t worry if it feels as though you\’re getting clued into the secret of life late in the game. Most people never figure this stuff out. Not ever. And yet, there are always a few individuals in every generation who use their own responses to life’s ups and downs as insight into how to achieve their full potential. You can, too. Focus less on what\’s wrong and more on being grateful for your blessings. Count your blessings when you wake up. Falls asleep savoring the good things in your day, no matter how small. Celebrate every win. Nourish a mindset that builds the resilience necessary to solve problems as problems emerge. That\’s how life gets easier.   ©JoeyGarcia. All Rights Reserved.   Joey Garcia has written the Ask Joey advice column for the Sacramento News and Review newspaper since 1996. She\’s also the Relationship Expert for KTXL-TV. Joey coaches teens and adults to have happier, more productive lives and more satisfying personal relationships. She speaks about spirituality and relationships around the world. (Photo of Joey after her speaking engagement in Albania)    
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